In the town of Sherwood, Ohio, nestled over an hour away from Toledo, resides the Nusbaum family – Molly and Kurt, along with their two children, Cade and Callaway. Their lives took an unexpected turn when both of their children were born prematurely, presenting them with challenges they never imagined they would face.
Their first encounter with the Ronald McDonald House came in 2022 when their son, Cade, was born at just 33 weeks and 5 days. The suddenness of his arrival brought forth a wave of stress and uncertainty for Molly and Kurt. Questions over where they would stay, how they would manage meals, and the logistics of traveling back and forth. Amidst this turmoil, the Ronald McDonald House emerged as a beacon of hope, alleviating most of their worries.
“The Ronald McDonald House allowed us to stay for hours with Cade, recharge, and go back and be with him. We are so grateful for the Ronald McDonald House for their support during a stressful time,” reflects Molly Nusbaum.
During their stay, the Nusbaum’s were greeted with warmth and generosity. From a diaper bag filled with essentials to other donations that eased their burden, the Ronald McDonald House provided not just accommodation but a sanctuary where they could focus on their newborn son.
Their second stay, in 2023, brought a new set of challenges with the arrival of their daughter, Callaway, eight weeks early via C-section. This time, Molly’s discharge from the hospital left her separated from Cade for the first time, but she found solace in knowing that Kurt and Cade were close, comfortable, and safe at the Ronald McDonald House.
“Callaway wasn’t making the strides that Cade made in his recovery, so we stayed a little longer the second time,” shares Kurt Nusbaum. “But knowing that we could stay at the Ronald McDonald House, be close to Callaway, and focus on Cade made our stay so much easier.”
The support they received during their second stay went beyond practical necessities. With a 19-month-old Cade in tow during Thanksgiving and close to Christmas, the Nusbaum family worried about missing out on holiday traditions. However, the Ronald McDonald House’s volunteers went above and beyond, decking the halls with festive decorations that brought warmth and cheer to their stay.
“The Ronald McDonald House was a rock for our family,” acknowledges Molly Nusbaum. “It allowed us to lean on it during the most stressful time in our lives. Thank you to everyone who supports or volunteers at the Ronald McDonald House.”
Recently, the Nusbaum family paid forward the kindness they received by collecting aluminum pull tabs at Central Local Schools. Over 210,000 tabs, weighing 165 pounds, were collected to support the pantry at the Ronald McDonald House, a cause close to their hearts.